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Model of spherical magnetic magnetizer with magnetic monopole

Time:2017/8/16 10:38:31

Whether the magnetic monopole exists remains to be researched, but according to the principle of magnetization, the direction of the magnetic field is determined by the direction of the magnetized magnetic pole. This design of a spherical ball formed at the center or unidirectional magnetization magnetizing machine artificial spherical magnetic monopole outward from the center of the launch.
When the ball is pointing to the magnetizing direction for magnetic implosion ball type magnetic monopole, if the magnetization direction is pointing to the center by the spherical ball type magnetic monopole magnetic field emission. The spherical surface is divided into hexagonal magnetized football partitions, each partition corresponds to a hexagonal columnar magnetic circular arc surface, as shown in the figure part magnetizing unit, magnetizing machine by the magnetizing unit evenly distributed on the surface of magnetic ball, hexagonal columnar magnetic arc surface to form a complete sphere, the sphere of the heart or the centrifugal magnetizing form artificial spherical magnetic monopole.
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